Here are some common questions people have about septic system design, maintenance and repair.
There are 3 common types of septic systems:
- Gravity Fed Systems: in this design the flow of material from the house to the tank to the field is achieved through gravity
- Pumped Systems: in some scenarios it’s not possible to use gravity to create the flow. In such circumstances a pump is used to move the material through the system
- Peat Filter Systems: these use layer of peat moss to filter the wastewater before being discharged into the soil
There are alternative systems however the three above cover most commonly built systems.
As long as a system is not overused and maintained properly it should last a lifetime.
You need to hire an engineer for repair and or new installs in New Jersey.

Anatomy of a Septic System
Septic systems are a very common wastewater solution in rural areas that are too far from a municipal facility. The homeowner takes responsibility for this. Overtime septic systems may begin to fail and need repair or even replacement.

Septic Tank
The septic tank receives the waste water and solids from the house. Whilst inside the heavier material drops to the bottom, and the liquid remains above.
Distribution Box
A pipe from the septic tank takes the liquid to the distribution box where it splits into a series of perforated lateral pipes at the drainage field.
Drainage Field
The liquid enters the drainage field and percolates through the material which treats and disperses waste water safely.